Saturday, September 28, 2013

Be TRUE to the church

"Its one thing to know the gospel is true but its one thing to be TRUE to The gospel.... Its one thing to know  the church is true, but its one thing to be TRUE to the church"-- As children of god we are all not perfect but we need to be trying to live like our savior Jesus Christ, when we start to follow his commandments we are aligning our lives closer to God.

This week we received a lot of rain and it hailed a lot yesterday evening, and even though the weather is horrible its amazing doing the Lords work in it, though it may be cold and foggy i step back and think about how it is a privileged to be a servant of the lord. We had a great week we found some more people to teach the gospel too, I'm so thankful to be able to have a firm foundation of the gospel and thankful to be able to share it.

In life we all have challenges and even us as missionaries do too. I realized that i can have afflictions, but i get to choose how i act, i know that the lord provides trails in our lives so that we can learn. This week we had a member pass away and she was such an amazing person, as i saw her in the hospital i felt sorrow and sadness but at that same moment i felt the saviors love. When i went home i challenged myself to pray to know about heavenly father's plan of happiness. I knelt down and prayed to my heavenly father knowing that he was listening as i got up i opened a book "true to the faith" and i opened it and i read " all people must die but we can all live again because of Christ" right at that moment i knew that heavenly father knew me and he heard my prayer. I was touched by this spiritual experience and i know that when we are not sure of something that all we simply have to do is pray about it and the Lord will answer our prayers.

This week we met a young father that's Hispanic. He told us he was a recent convert for about 3 yrs and that he needed our help to get back into the church. Its a blessing being able to have the gift of tongues i have never realized that, that was a talent i know that I'm supposed to be here to teach heavenly fathers gospel to those certain people.

p.s next week we all get to go to the temple!!!

-Sister Nava

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A home needs a woman's touch!

"walk on. walk on with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone. hope is a faithful companion that sustains us through life's trails"-- I know this to be true we must always have hope it leads us to strengthen our faith in our savior.
Yesterday on Sunday they gave a talk " I feel my saviors love" I pondered hard on this and asked my self how do I feel my saviors love. I then though I most defiantly feel his love when he helps me through the holy ghost to teach in Spanish. I had to teach by my self yesterday evening and I had no idea what was coming out of my mouth the holy ghost had taken over that lesson and as a missionary I strive for that and I know that I was able to help 2 of heavenly fathers children to feel his spirit. A mission isn't easy but i have realized that the Lord will always be there on my left and on my right. There is a lot of Hispanics in this area and its touching to know that I get to be a part of their lives in helping them come closer to Christ.
This week it has been raining a lot, I should probably say it was pouring rain. We were driving to the church when I saw a young woman walking in the rain and sat waiting for the bus. I had an impression to give her one of the extra umbrellas we had in our truck. We drive about a mile until I told sister Lewis to stop and go back I knew I couldn't help seeing some one that looked so tired form work and sitting their wet waiting for the bus. As we went back I cant tell you it was easy becuase of the traffic but when I got there I ran to her and simply and quickly, do to the rain shook her hand introduced my self and i told her that i was a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I wont ever know what was going through her mind but what I do know is that she is now familiar with missionaries and I know that when the Lord provides missionaries to knock on her door she will be more willing to open the door. I know that I pray for service opportunities and when the Lord gives them to me I ought to be doing my job. I know that service is a way to express love towards others and it has helped me to see others in a different way.
This week we were tracting  in an area  all 3 of us hadn't been to. we knocked on a door and came across a man named Tom. He said he wasn't interested but some how the lord provided a way for the Book of Mormon to come into the conversation. He was thrilled to hear that is was another testament of Jesus Christ. We gave him one and the light in his eyes were indescribable. we asked him to read Moroni's promise in chapter 10 we asked him to read the 3 verses out loud and he went to verse 32 he looked at us and said" wow"  I know that the holy ghost was working through him and I know that the spirit works miracles. This week has been a week full of blessings we found a lot of people who are wanting to change their lives and I know that the lord provides us with these experiences.
This week we also came across a man working on a trailer, it was a very rainy day that day but even though the weather is harsh I know the lords work is more important. We asked him if he was interested he said no as we walked out the door. I told this man " you know sometimes in life a home needs a woman's touch, would you mind if we came to help you clean up this trailer? the laughter that came out made us all laugh and we are now going to go do service, I now know that the spirit has also a sense of humor, I had no idea that I was going to say that but if it got us in hey I'm not complaining:)
I know this is true and that is why I'm out here sharing it to the world.
- Sister Nava

Monday, September 9, 2013


YATE, HOLA & HELLO :) all of the languages I'm learning
This week has been amazing we found a lot of people to teach and most of them have been very interested. There was a door we knocked on and it was a young man from Mexico as we met with him he knew a lot about the church and he was a very great young man as we started to teach about the restoration he said oh i have a book of Mormon. I knew that we were prompted by the holy ghost to go and knock on his door this young man was waiting for his answer to his prayer, he said he wanted to come closer to Christ and that his friend gave him a book of Mormon. He also thought that Mike Katic was awesome. It's amazing how if we all share the gospel or simply give somebody a book of Mormon that the lord will provide a way for the missionaries to come and teach his children.

We have been working in this certain trailer park there is about 63 trailers and all of them speak Spanish never on my mission have i had that many people that speak Spanish all at once. I know that I'm here in Durango for a reason and if i simply decided that i don't want to go on a mission then all of these people would of had the chance to hear the Gospel. Yesterday was my first lesson in Spanish that i had to teach all by myself. It was hard it was probably the hardest lessons i have ever been in but i realized that if i rely on the Lord he will tell me what to say and what to do through the power of the holy ghost! Its amazing how strong the spirit was in that lesson. After this lesson we had another Spanish lesson to go teach and i wen tot the wrong door and it was a lady named Maria. I  realized that i had the wrong door as soon as she opened it. Some way i was able to testify in Spanish and leave her with a message she wants us to return and its so humbling how if i don't worry about what I'm going to say the holy ghost really helps me out. Teaching in a different language is not easy but i do know that what I'm telling heavenly fathers children is true!!
We were walking in another trailer park and we found a man in a hitch hiker trailer it was tiny but as i knocked on the door he simply said come in. Me and my other 2 companions were so surprised that he let us in. All three of us ended up bearing our own personal testimony to this man. Never have i ever felt the spirit so strong on my mission. His eyes were filled with tears and we knew that we planted a seed of faith in his heart.  I know that the Lord really leads us to those that need help or comfort and as missionaries we are called to severe his children my mission has changed me as an individual i see people differently and one thing that I have realized on my mission is that I know that the book of Mormon is true.
 I love my area it has been a blessing and i have met so many people that i know i have been called to serve them!! My area can blossom if we continue to be more and more obedient to the lords commandments!1
-Sister Nava

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Hello everyone!
 " Let us accept the saviors invitation to come unto him , let us build our lives upon a safe and sure foundation"- if we continue to live the gospel more blessing will come our way and we have to always remember that some blessing dont even come till heaven we must be patient and trusts that the blessings will come.
My new area is beautiful i love it!!! I love the people here there is a lot of people that don't have the knowledge of the gospel so its a great area to teach the gospel! We live with a member she is from russia. Her and her family are very nice they built an apartment that attaches to there home. Its a very wonderful place. Durango is a very big area. when i got here i felt overwhelmed because for 6 months  didn't  even see a Walmart or a stop light and here in Durango there are like 2 wall marts and so many cars!! its heaven here!! its a great change i love it and I'm excited to be able to serve in this area. I don't know for how long but one thing i do know is it all depends on the Lords will.
Durango gets pretty cold i have heard and its going to be an extreme change for an arizona girl like me! It gets 20 below zero here. Im super excited for the winter.  The members here are great they are excited to do missionary work and its amazing to see how the lords work can progress when the members of the churhc do their part. This area is full of the spirit!!
I'am serving with 2 others sisters,  sister swayne and sister lewis. Sisrer swayne is from pheonix Arizona ahwatukee.  she has been out a year and sister lewis is from liberty utah she has been out for 3  months. Being in a trio is a great way for me to learn how to work in unity and its a blessing. i really do love my mission it has taught me so much about the purpose of life its amazing how much more the lord has in store.
- sister nava